"Jet City Woman, to make the clouds go away.
Time for some blue sky!"
Jet City has had plenty of spectacular blue skies this week. Unfortunately I picked the hottest of those days to take Wilhelm, Brychwyn and Huxley to Boeing Field and The Museum of Flight for a dog friendly urban adventure. While wandering the museum grounds and surrounding neighborhood, we stopped often for water and shade. During one of those shady stops I attempted a photo of the dogs with a plane in the sky. Huxley was too fascinated by the landing aircraft to watch the camera and I thought his turning head had spoiled the shots. Instead, I captured a hilarious series of photos that perfectly display the curious personality of a collie (see the slideshow below.) If at any point during my life in Jet City, someone tried such a photograph with me in the foreground, my head would have done exactly the same thing. I have always been fascinated by everything that goes by in the sky. So goes the tale of a Jet City woman and her dogs.