"It is better to have your head in the clouds, and know where you are, if indeed you cannot get it above them, than to breathe the clearer atmosphere below them, and think that you are in paradise."
~Henry David Thoreau
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Typist: Wilhelm While Bethany and Jason were in London they met this beautiful chocolate dachshund and I she and I are now "betrothed." I don't know exactly what that means but hope that it means she and I get to run and play together. Any dog who so eloquently sniffs the "rubbish bin" (which is how to say "trash can" in England) at the bus stop must be a lot of fun. And I have heard that in her city the children's part of the park is fenced but the dogs get to just run and play! Maybe I'll get to visit such paradise soon. I bet my "fiancée," as Bethany calls her, and I will be the best of friends. Wait. Is she English or French? Well, she sure is cute. More photos of London including the neighborhood where Bethany met Wilhelm's beloved here. Share this post: "The eye searches for shapes. Share this post: |
Cascadian Nomads