Last Friday Brychwyn, my collie, Huxley, and I spent the afternoon with some friends we have all known our whole lives. These awesome young friends of ours have always enjoyed walking and running us, but last week something was different. They preferred riding on noisy wheeled boards. At first I didn't really like this change but once I learned a safe distance, running along side while our friends rode their longboards (holding my leash which was attached to my harness) it was some of the best fun a short, fit dog like me could have.
After our longboard run along, my corgi, collie and I also tried riding the longboards. At first we only wanted to put our front paws up on the boards (we have had a lot of "paws up" training.) Once I got all four paws on the board, I had to work a bit to get my balance. What a great core work-out! Longboards are wobbly so it is hard work to get balanced. Once I got my footing (or seating, as I chose) I practiced remaining on the board until I was released. After I got good at just hanging-out on the longboard, my friends slowly rolled it, just a short distance, then released me off. I kept jumping on for more time and longer distances. Finally I was able to chill on the longboard and just let the wind blow my ears. Super fit dog fun!