Typist: Leo The Cascadian Nomads spent so much time camping this spring and summer that I didn't get to join them on any of their awesome adventures. I do love to travel but Bethany says tent camping isn't safe for a cockatoo. Apparently, I need to have somewhere to be protected from the elements. I don't see why I couldn't just share Bethany's sleeping bag or a crate with one of my doggies. At least when I stay home I have special friends spend all day and night with me so I guess I don't always mind. When the rest of the Cascadian Nomads go on adventures and stay in a warm, dry pet-friendly motel, then I get to go too. I recently loaded up into my Popemobile (that's what I call my travel box because I know I am very safe in there) and we went south to one of my favorite places, Oregon. During long drives, I play in my Popemobile and watch cars go by. Sometimes I get out to stretch my wings. I also like to sing in the car but I often forget to use my indoor voice. Traveling is just so exciting! Bethany covers me with a blanket for quiet time if I get too loud and stimulated in the car, though. |
On this trip, I was very good most of the drive. I hadn't been on a long trip since February so you can't really blame me for being extra exuberant. When we arrived, Bethany worked hard to get my two t-stands set up so that I could be out of my Popemobile to play. I don't always get to have both t-stands when we travel but when we go to the Government Camp cabin at Mount Hood, there's room for both. I ate and preened but I was pretty tired so I didn't want to stay awake for too long. I bet you're wondering where I sleep when I am traveling. I'm getting to that. I have a special travel cage. It is not as large as my cages at home but it is much larger than my Popemobile. My travel cage has two or three perches and is filled with toys. Then I can sleep in it and stay in it if the other Cascadian Nomads go on any side adventures that cockatoos can't or don't want to go on. Sometimes those other nomads don't spend enough time just roosting! |
One thing I wish Bethany wouldn't bring everywhere we travel is my shower perch. Can't I have a vacation from showers? Bethany brings it with us and I still have to have my shower everyday. Oh well. At least it's warm. So after a good nights sleep at the cabin, I had a shower and breakfast on my t-stand. Then I loaded back up into my Popemobile for a day trip to Hood River. It was cloudy and drizzling but not too cold. I have been to Hood River before and I like it there. Sometimes I just get out to stretch my wings when we have more driving to do. This time we walked around a bit. People in Hood River like to notice me and I, of course, like that. I also spent some time in the car with my doggies while Bethany and Jason did some human only things. It's nice for my doggies and I to have some time together on our vacation. We watch people go by and they don't even know we're watching! My Doggie Doggie [editors note: Leo's "Doggie Doggie" is known to the rest of us as Brychwyn] sometimes barks and gives our secret watching away. Silly doggie. |
After our fun day in Hood River, we went back to the cabin at Government Camp for dinner and to spend the night. The next day it was already time to pack up and go back home to Seattle. But first, we drove up to the Timberline Lodge on Mount Hood. I don't usually get to go up there since the rest of the Cascadian Nomads usually hike or snowshoe to the lodge. I guess it was a pretty cool place... very white. I felt like I had seen it somewhere before. I do like to watch snow from inside, I am not as big of a fan of being in the snow as some canines and humans. It was a good thing that it was time to leave. The long car ride home was much less exciting. It was raining and it is difficult to watch all the cars and trucks go by when they spray so much water around. I played with my toys and had a few snacks. I only sang one or two songs. I might have been a little tired from the trip but I am totally used to traveling again. Where are we going next? |