Typist: Brychwyn Some of you may remember the fun corgi walk I went on during which I made a new cardigan corgi friend named Zephyr. Well, yesterday I got to introduce Zephyr to Wilhelm and Huxley and the four of us went on an awesome adventure. It was a lovely sunny day in Cascadia so we got to ride in the car with the top off. We drove to meet Zephyr at the dog park. Even though it was cold out, any sunny day means a crowded dog park in Seattle. But I had some great chases and it was a wonderful time. I especially liked when people exclaimed "look at the cardigan corgis" when they saw Zephyr and I. On the way back to the car, Huxley and I did a bit of bitey face because I wasn't quite done playing. Fortunately our adventure was still not over! We met Zephyr yet again for a hike through Schmitz Preserve Park to Alki Beach. Zephyr liked the part on the hike where we crossed the river* and all four of us enjoyed walking next to the crashing waves on Alki. |
Typist: Wilhelm I am definitely the kind of fit dog who likes to make new friends at the dog park. So I bet you can imagine my joy when Bethany took Brychwyn, Huxley and I on a breezy ride to the dog park and Brychwyn introduced me to his new cardigan corgi buddy, Zephyr. I liked Zephyr but I made some other friends at the dog park too. Bethany decided it was time to leave the off-leash park but I still wanted to do some more wrestling. The good news is that our fit dog adventure was not over! I got to use up some more energy hiking through Schmitz Preserve Park to Alki Beach. I just love to sniff around all of the ferns and old trees in Schmitz Park. Plus hopping over the river* and up and down the trails is great exercise. Alki Beach was really lovely and even breezier than the ride in the topless car. I enjoy exercise but as a hound dog there is truly nothing better than a whole lot of sniffing! |

Yesterday was one of those epic fit dog days that Wilhelm, Brychwyn and I so often get to enjoy. We got a sunny ride in the car under the blue Seattle sky and ended up at Westcrest off-leash park. And you will never believe what happened there; another cardigan corgi hung out with our pack! His name is Zephyr and he is really fun. I was having a great time greeting every single canine and human at the park when for some reason Bethany made us leave. I still had a lot of energy so I started a little game of bitey face with Brychwyn on the way to the car. It wasn't long until I learned why we had to leave the dog park; we met Zephyr at a different park and went for a long hike through the woods, over a river* and along the beach. Fantastic! Hiking on the soft, cool trails in Schmitz Preserve Park is one of my favorite fit dog activities. Plus it was a really beautiful day at Alki Beach. There weren't nearly as many dogs and people to meet and visit with than there were at the crowded off-leash park, but I still managed to enjoy myself. While Wilhelm, Brychwyn, Zephyr and I marveled at the crashing waves of Puget Sound on the seawall, I learned that my new friend Zephyr's name means "light wind." Wow! My whole day was full of fun kinds of wind to sniff, feel blowing through my fur and to play with. You just can't ask for a better fit dog day than that!
Please enjoy the FitDog Friday Blog Hop brought to you by SlimDoggy, Peggy’s Pet Place and To Dog With Love. Join the Hop or just enjoy the links below – lots of fun dog fitness tips, inspiration and advice! |