Not only is keeping my pets at a healthy weight important to me but preventative care vet visits are a must. An annual vet visit can help to keep the pets weight monitored. Also knowing that I have done my best for dog care and cat care gives me the peace of mind I need for all of the travel and activities my pets and I do together. Whether my healthy pets and I hike the entire 13 miles of the South Rim trail at the Grand Canyon or we wander six miles through our neighborhood on a dog friendly pub crawl, I want to know that they are safe and sound every step of the way. Healthy dog food and healthy cat food are a huge part of the journey that we all take with our pets every day but consistent vet check ups can make a huge difference in your pets life long health and happiness. It's not always easy to budget for seeing a veterinarian when your pet seems perfectly healthy but according to the American Pet Products Association National Pet Owner Survey for 2013-14 it costs more to wait to visit the vet when your pet is ill.
One of the reasons that no matter what my money situation is, I always make it work to take an annual trip to the vet is that a relationship with a quality veterinarian is so very important. Last summer, when I had my very first ever encounter with ticks, I was so happy to be able to just call my vet from a campground hundreds of miles away and ask them numerous (probably stupid) questions. When Gryphon's health deteriorated last fall, I was told that my vet only made euthanasia house calls for long time patients that she knew very, very well. The front desk staff checked with the doctor and then scheduled an appointment (that we fortunately didn't have to use.) My vet knows what my pets issues are and each year takes special time to carefully check out each pet as well as discuss every little detail with me and answer all of my questions. Honestly, I wish I had a relationship with a doctor for humans like I do with my pets veterinarians. |